What I find I have to recover from is all of the hoopla about shopping Black Friday and people using stun guns on each other to get the best bargain. However, there are still some good folks out there that think otherwise.
This bit of inspiration for Monday I wanted to share with you, and I am sure you will agree that it's touching, and will inspire you and others to take action this holiday season.
Inspiration for Monday Out of Malls?
As it turns out, there are several malls in the US and Canada that have found a way to make some autistic children very happy. They get to meet Santa on their own terms.This is because they will have some time to meet Santa set aside for them, rather than their parents bringing them to meet Santa when the other children do. Great idea or what? This time with Santa is before the malls open, which means they won't have to be uncomfortable in crowds and loud noises which many autistic children don't do well with.
If you are reading this and you are the parent of an autistic child, or perhaps you foster one, you know all too well what they often miss out on. As a parent, you struggle to figure it out and how you can find the balance. Lights and music are turned down too to help out with the setting for a calm visit with Santa for this Christmas season.
While you may still be in need of inspiration for Monday, there is no doubt that this story sheds light on how you can help those that are not only less fortunate, but those that just need to celebrate a little differently. It's all about the children isn't it? As well, it's all about putting a smile on their little faces.
Do you have a story to share? If you have your own inspiration for Monday, we would love to hear from you here in the comments below, and we would also love to hear from you on Facebook on our page for Courageous Life!
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