I was prompted to write about this very thing this morning, simply because it's something I have struggled with for a long time. It seems the hardest people to forgive are family and friends. I was having an inward struggle with forgiving a family member or two, and it was striking that God had such a sense of humor.
I had just picked up The Power of a Praying Woman by Stormie Omartian, and the third chapter was all about how she forgave her parents for something and how to work through forgiveness.
What bothered me the most was knowing that not only was I struggling to forgive people I loved, but I was learning that if I chose not to forgive, my prayer life would be hindered.
Ah, that peace that we all long for was not being stolen from me, but I was actually allowing unforgiveness to suck the life out of me. I knew it was time to really allow this study to work on me, in me, and let God work through me.
You know, we are never finished. Learning how to forgive others is not so much vital to our life as it is actually CRITICAL. Is there a secret to letting go and letting God? Is learning to forgive really a big mystery?
If you want to let go and let God it really isn't a secret at all, but it all starts with making the choice to do so. Letting go is tough because our first reaction is to hang onto something that someone has said or done to hurt us and use it as a weapon. We almost want others to feel sorry for us so we use our hurts to get love and attention.
It's only fleeting when people reach out, and we should do so, but to forgive is better and it cleanses the soul. Learning how to forgive others is the driving force to having peace in your life and with all others. Yes, even those that have hurt you.
God's Word says to forgive seventy times seven, and not only that, but that is in one day! Matthew 18: 21-22-"Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, 'Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother and or sister
who sins against me? Up to seven times?' Jesus answered, 'I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times."
It's not optional, and you should also know that it doesn't mean that what someone has done to you is okay. It doesn't even mean that you have to speak to them again or be friends with them. No one is asking you to do that at all. However, this is about you getting it right for your heart, soul, and your relationship with God.
God knows and sees all! Remember, God is the ultimate judge, and He will be the one to deal with the individuals for what they have done. So, let your peace come. During this holiday season it's so easy to focus on the good, forgiveness and loving others.
Choose to make learning "how to forgive others" a lifelong journey and passion for your soul.
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