We often have married couples come in that sell their wedding bands right off of their hands, and they are STILL married. This is all in an attempt to make it.
Sound familiar? Here was a story I didn't expect, so I'll share it with you.
God's Servants Never Showed Up He Says
One day as my husband and I were working on pulling some stones out from a class ring, one of our regular customers came in. He was sharing more with us about where he had been, who he had spent most of his time with as he traveled as an evangelist.Turns out, this man of God had spent years on TBN, working with folks on TBN, and singing with folks like Benny Hinn, the Crouches, and many others. He had flown on Leer jets, and had been in motorcades with limos and the like.
What a life, right? WRONG.
The time came, when his heart began to feel the tug to do more for Jesus, and so he went out on his own, with less of a flash. After all the Good News didn't need to be packaged with diamonds, Rolex, and nights spent at the Beverly-Wiltshire Hotel, right?
He didn't seem to think so, and he was under conviction, so he went his way, reaching out and taking no money from the operation.
So......he came into our shop and shared with us he lives in Ohio, not far from where we are located. He shares his story and of course sings out loud for us...what a voice I might add. What a blessing.
He is selling us his gold, his income has been dwindling as he left TBN, and as he wanted to continue reaching out and sharing the Gospel on TV his requests were stifled.
Ah, that which is good and pure was turned away, and so he kept searching. This station that runs marathons, and the like was always supporting ministers and evangelists, surely they would help.
NO. A resounding NO. Where are they now? Aren't they servants of God? Don't they donate to God's children and support the ministries of the hurting?
A man left with no wife, no money, and a house going into foreclosure was rejected by this TV station. How could it be? How is this possible?
To think it was only yesterday that he was traveling with these same people is shocking. It's downright despicable, appauling, and all that it implies.
Yes sir, we will buy your gold, and as he shed more tears over finally selling the last thing he had, his wedding band, he cried buckets in our store. He prayed no one would be there, and so we heard the testimony of a child of God, one that resonated with me as I had been through something similar years ago.
No, I am not an evangelist, but I was called to be a servant. This day, will you serve? Could it be that God places someone in your path to help?
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