Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What is Courage?

The other day, I was chatting with someone about what courage really is. What defines it? Hmmm. I guess it could be many things, but our conversation was about doing things that we normally wouldn't do. Things that when other people are watching, you just get locked up and feel fear.

So, a few things came to mind during that conversation, a few which are not startling but important thoughts nonetheless. So, what were they? 

Okay, so while you may not think that gratitude doesn't have much to do with courage, it has everything to do with it. Consider that most people that find everything wrong with their lives are not thankful for much of anything. 

Attitude is everything, right? Being grateful goes hand in hand with being bold. Let's face it, the folks in remote villages in India are grateful and compared to our country, they have nothing to look forward to. 

Yet, they live their lives every day as if what they do still depends on it. We take each day for granted. IT's courage to live as if nothing is going to change

It's courageous to be grateful and believing for miracles when you have had no reason to believe. Consider the soldier in Afghanistan that goes to war, and they have many unknowns. They don't know if they will lose a limb, or if they will ever return but they do it anyhow. 

Do you feel the fear and do it anyhow? If not, should you? Are you willing to change and go the extra mile? If not, what then? If you aren't courageous, what are you teaching your children? 

Have an attitude of gratitude, and always, always step out and act as if nothing would be taken from you. It's time to put your life on the line and live courageously! 

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