Thursday, October 31, 2013

Courageous Battle with Pneumonia Leaves Mum Inspired to Help Fellow Amputees

Moms are generally courageous in all aspects of life because everything they do they do for their children. There is a "mum" today in Lochwinnoch that is a true picture of courage as she strives to help others just like her.

Corinne Hutton won her battle with pneumonia, but it didn't come without losing her hands and feet. As a young mother of a little boy, can you imagine what this must have been like for her?

You might have fear in reading a story like this, a fear that you couldn't make it.

However, Corinne chose to take this difficult time in life and turn it into a "second chance at life" by committing to help fellow amputees.

How did this happen all from pneumonia? We wanted to share with you a bit of Corinne's courageous story today, so that you can be inspired to take the bad and turn it into something good.

Courageous Corinne 

Corinne never imagined that with a bad cough, she would end up with no hands and no feet. The infection turned into something much worse, causing surgeons to do the amputation.

Her organs shut down as septicaemia went tearing through her body, and her family was called in to be by her side to say a final goodbye. The family was prepared for this to be the last words ever spoken, never to see her physical body again.

Even with a new treatment that was successful in healing the problem, doctors new that they would have to amputate her hands and feet to keep her alive. Her husband was begging them to figure something else out, but in her courageous heart, Corinne opted to go through with it, thankful for the chance just to live. WOW.

No complaining. No arguing. Corinne was just grateful for the chance to be here to raise her son and be with her husband. Her husband Russell stood by her side and helped start a fund to raise the money for the bionic hands she would need.

This experience prompted Corinne to start a fund to help fellow amputees in a time of need so that they could also be able to afford bionic hands and other prosthetics as insurances have cut what they pay out on them in most countries.

This act was not only courageous but inspirational. We are floored by her story, and we know that there are others each day that go through this process. We just don't know who they are, or their stories aren't published.

Do you have a story to tell that could help others? We would like to hear from you! You can also encourage others today by sharing our inspiration and motivational apparel. You can go HERE to check it out!

Courageous Life!

PS-Were you inspired by this story? If so,please leave a comment on our blog, we would love to hear from you! You may also join us on Facebook! We would love to hear from you!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Do Friends Become Bullies?

Is it possible that friends can be become a bully? Recently an article was published on CNN about Ally del Monte and her thyroid disease.

As a result of medication she was taking, she gained 60 pounds, and the jokes started to roll in.

Can you imagine such a dramatic change? I know a young woman that had her thyroid removed in 2008, and after that, the weight just piled on pound after pound. It was horrifying, and she gained more than 100 pounds in 45 days.

Kids can be cruel though, and they don't have that understanding that we do as adults that these types of jokes can have long lasting effects on an individual's life. The boys banned Ally from the jungle gym, stating that they feared she would break it. How awful.

Ally took it as normal, because she was getting used to the poor choice of jokes. Sad, wouldn't you say? Would you call these friends? I wouldn't.

Just because you are different or you don't look like others or dress like others, does that make you alien in some way? Does it make you uncool? Friends can often change with the wind and be cruel to you no matter what the cost of your current friendship.

Kids often don't see that what they are doing is mean or even wrong. Is that because your example as a parent is poor? It could be, and if you aren't guarded enough about it, you could be leading your children to believe this type of behavior is okay. Am I right?

It takes you being a committed parent, and in some cases it also takes you being a committed friend. Whether or not you are a teen, middle-age, or you are the parent, you have to stand up and teach your children what is acceptable behavior and what isn't.

Who do your children consider friends? Can you remember ever having "friends" like this? If so, it's time for you to reconsider who you are spending most of your time with, and take a look at who your children are spending time with.

Sometimes it's not that easy, but if you stay in tune with their lives and stay involved, everything will turn out alright. Be courageous, and share with your children and friends how to show more courage and love in this world!

PS-Did you relate to this blog post? Are your children struggling with being bullied at school? Why not give them something positive to wear in front of their friends, that will hopefully get them to stop and think? You can go HERE to show your courage!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Courage of a Mom with Breast Cancer

Would you have courage to go on if you were diagnosed with breast cancer? If you are the mother of two children, you don't really think of anything else but NOT giving up. This is the story of my mom. My mom was diagnosed early in life with breast cancer at the age of 40. Not only was she young for the average age of diagnosis at that time, but my mother was also called back immediately after her very first mammogram, EVER. 

I was in the 5th grade, and my brother was two years ahead of me; it was tragic. I could never admit it, and I kept telling my mom that there was nothing wrong with her. I kept saying to her, "You are not sick!" As upsetting as that was for her, I believed in my heart that she would make it, and she did. I couldn't imagine being so young and losing my mother. So, I just pretended it didn't exist. I think for our sake, she took on that role and my words and just decided that she just wasn't going to die. That is the courage of a mother.
A photo of me and my mother on my wedding day, November 14, 2009
The first step for my mother was meeting with the surgeons, and at that time, they just drew on you. That couldn't have been fun for her. Not just that, but like any woman, mom feared that she was going to be someone different, somewhat alien in that she was losing a part of her anatomy. She had a mastectomy on one side, a reduction on the other, and the surgeons just kept mentioning more surgery. 

Her thoughts? I can't stay in the hospital forever, I have children to raise and a husband. Wow. No thought for herself; she just knew that she had to get better. That is courage. Every time I saw her, she had her makeup on and she was smiling. She didn't act as though anything was wrong with her. I just kept believing that she wasn't ill. The day of her surgery, my dad broke down as she was being wheeled back for surgery, and then at that time, it hit me that she was sick. 

To see my dad cry was a once in a lifetime thing; he just didn't do it. We were the family that people looked to for strength, and how to raise their family. Mom and dad were the parents that showed up at every school function, no matter what. No matter how tired she was, even after mom went back to work, she was always there. 

My mom has exhibited a ton of courage over the years, and although our relationship hasn't been the greatest, we love each other. I admire her still for what she did then, and what she is doing today. Feisty or not, she is my mom. I am going to be a mother soon, actually I already really am. No matter where you children come along, you love them. I love mine, and I haven't even met them. 

The one thing I learned from her is to NOT give up. She was so determined, the surgeon promised her his determination. His announcement when they popped out of surgery was music to the ears. "I got it all, no chemo or radiation." Wow. Even mom's "courage" gave others faith, and she still shares her stories with others. 

I just requested a t-shirt from Courageous Life for my mother, in honor of October being Breast Cancer Awareness month. Won't you do the same? It's for a great cause, and it's less than what most of you spend to eat out. You can go HERE to get your pink t-shirt. Share your courage! 

Monday, October 28, 2013

Courage Done the Army Way

If you were in the Army in years past, were you expected to exhibit courage in a specific way?

Chances are you might say yes, or if you saw something horrific you may not remember. The Army states that their definition of courage is to face fear and danger of any kind, whether it's physical or even moral.

That sounds like a lot of courage and you may not feel you have "Army like" courage or strength at all. In fact, even if you are in the Army, you may have times in which you don't feel as strong as you would like to, or as strong as you are expected to.

There are ways for you to get stronger, and to help you stay that way. We wanted to share with you how you can be courageous not only with the help of the Army, but why it's okay to have friends in your life to give you a nudge.

Courage Comes in Community 

Some of you can make it seem so easy; you feel confident about everything in your life, or you at least appear to be confident with most things in your life. What about courage?

It's a tough place to be when you don't feel strong, and you are faced with adversity. If you have been in the military or you are today, you may feel less than strong if you have been faced with a tough situation. Most of us just cannot fathom where you have been. In an effort to help you cope, there services available to you, including:

These won't always be easy for you to access, but the theme for the Army for 2013 has been "The Courage to Seek Help." The month of October is dedicated to bringing awareness to Army families and others around them. This is an endeavor that is much needed, especially in times of war.

This is also a great thing because it can teach our children the value of seeking help, and that it's courageous to do so. After all, isn't the plan of life to reach out and love others? To extend a hand and help others in need? Whether that need is financial, spiritual, or to help them face something daunting, it's there.

The main goal for those serving our country is to identify problems now before they escalate. It's better to save a life now and encourage a life, then lose one. Do you agree?

We believe that courage is having faith and helping others. We want to promote this idea, and to reach out a hand to all who could use a little encouragement. Do you know a soldier or a family member or spouse of someone serving that could use a little encouragement and inspiration?

Tell them about our community on Facebook, and why not send them a tshirt or hat as a gift? You can go HERE to take a look at what we have to offer. We thank you for stopping by, and we salute you for your service to our country in times past and present, whenever and wherever you have served.

Have courage!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Motivation Runs Deep but What About Your Willpower?

Motivation has to run deep, and it has to run deeper than your willpower. Recently, the Huffington Post published an article about willpower versus motivation.

The idea? Willpower can only go so far, but what happens when that doesn't work?

Oftentimes in our humanness, we believe that there is something out there that will make us do better and be better.

It's as if we think we can't do these things on our own. It's okay when we find that we can't, and we have tried everything. It's okay to recognize the need for some coaching or masterminding.

However, doesn't it just come down to making a decision and then following through with it? Today, we just want you to think about the difference between yourself and others that have been successful in life.

Why There is No Comparison with Motivation

The most dangerous thing you can do is compare yourself to others. There really is zero comparison. Chances are, if you have done this, the individual you are comparing yourself to doesn't have the same gifts and talents you do, and that can change everything.

Motivation doesn't come from believing that you are missing something that someone else has, it comes from you digging deeper for what you want in life.

For example, look at the photo of the track above. Even if you started walking on it today, would you be able to finish one full lap or even two? If you are out of shape, you may not be able to do so. What is your level of commitment? What is motivating you to start walking?

Looking at your motivation for doing something rather than looking to others is the key here. Look within. Your inner strength and your ability to make decisions is crucial! If the person you are looking to for answers has "the perfect body" in your mind, you won't see it for yourself anyhow.

Don't fall into this trap. This is about you, what you want, and what you are willing to do to make it happen. Such is the case if you are trying to change your life. Change isn't always easy!

Need a little boost of encouragement? You can connect with us on Facebook, and you can also grab one of our t-shirts to run in! (or, whatever it is you are doing for exercise!) You can check out our motivational t-shirts HERE!

We hope that you were blessed by this post. If so, and you gained some insight into your "motivation" for doing things, please leave a comment below for us on this blog. We would love to hear from you!

Courageous Life

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Anti-Bullying Campaign Encouraged by Teen with Tourette's

It isn't all that unusual now that anti-bullying efforts are made, however, oftentimes they are still unsuccessful. Recently, an article was published by CNN, in their Human Factor.

A young boy named Jaylen Arnold was the youngest to be diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome, but being bullied didn't injur his spirit. Instead, he decided to turn his experience into something inspiring for other teens like himself. He says, "Bullying, no way."

At the age of 13, Jaylen is leading a national foundation to put to an end to bullying. We wanted to share his story with you, so that you can be inspired to action, and maybe consider leading an anti-bullying campaign of your own. Check this out!

How the Vision for the Anti-Bullying Campaign Began 

Imagine that you have a physical condition that is beyond your control. How would you feel if you were being ridiculed by everyone around you, and it never stopped. That is what Jaylen Arnold has experienced, and he rose to the occasion to use this an experience to help those that befriended him to overcome their teasing too.

His condition was diagnosed when he was in second grade, and the bullying began. Not only that but those he was friends with were also being ridiculed. His mother wanted to pull him out of the school, but as a child, you can imagine the thought of leaving his friends behind. His main concern was not being there if they were being bullied by others.

Jaylen's big heart also created a large worldview, in that he considered that this must be happening all around the world. WOW. A young boy could have so much insight at such a young age, and that is amazing. CNN asked him how he encourages others to stop bullying, and his answers are so simple.

  • Tell a parent! 
  • Surround yourself with good friends! 
  • Understand that what makes you different is okay and it's not bad! 

Can we ever come to appreciate those that aren't just like us? Jaylen's Challenge Foundation aims to not only educate others about what brings bullies out into the open, but how they treat other kids, and how to address it. However, the mission is so much more, and since that time, Jaylen has been on TV with Katie Couric, and with the help of others has launched a massive anti-bullying campaign.

You can learn more about you can contribute and how you can be a part of Jaylen's efforts when you go to We encourage you to join our community here at Courageous Life, and learn more about how you can work with us to promote "anti-bullying" too!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Your Courageous Life-Are You Really Living it?

What if there were a movie made called Your Courageous Life? Would it show that you were in fact courageous? Would it show that you loved and helped others?

Did you stand up for others? All that would be evident if your life were put up onto a screen for all to see.

I think most of us would find that our life hasn't been all that courageous over the past few years, or at least as how much we would like for it to be.

I am sure that you have had some times in your life when you didn't want to help someone, or perhaps you didn't want to love them either. I know I have, we all have. We are called to be a beacon of light to others, and courage could also be known as expressing your faith.

What would you do if you had a second chance to film Your Courageous Life?

A Re-Take on Your Courageous Life

Every day is a new day to make a change and take a chance. It's also another day that we could be helping someone. The only time I've found any peace in my life was when I put others first. That meant really looking at what I believe and why, and sharing with others how I intended to exercise that. 

It's one thing to say you have "love", or that you are putting "love" into action. It means nothing until you actually do. Right? I mean, otherwise it's just a lot of talk and a lot of things that don't mean much to others around you. 

There is a ton of suffering in this world, we don't need anymore. The more we can do to reach out  to others and encourage each other, the better off we will be as a country and as a world united! What would you vow to do if you could get a retake on Your Courageous Life

Would you vow to:
  1. Live out each day to the fullest? 
  2. Perform one random act of kindness per day?
  3. Help someone else even if you are experiencing a trial of your own?
  4. Give back no matter what you feel you lack?

These are all a good place to start, and having courage is always right. You can do it. You can be more, and you can be a bigger influence in this world then you think. 

If you would like to join a community of like-minded people that can encourage you to live "your courageous life", go HERE now to check us out on Facebook! 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Inspirational Clothing-Does it Really Matter What You Wear?

Does wearing inspirational clothing really matter? You might say yes, but you might also say no too. The thing is, what you wear can influence the people around you.

You know this is true if you watch TV at any time, watch the news, or any reality TV show. Honestly, could it be any clearer that the way we dress affects the way people see us?

It should stand to reason then that what we wear does impact those around us. Consider the photo to the right; how does that message make you feel when you look at it?

You can probably recall a time when you felt fearful in life and you probably felt completely powerless as a result. Right? Wouldn't seeing this message change the way you feel inside?

I know it did for me! There are tons of things I am afraid of, especially at a time when this world sees enough suffering.

Do You Wear Inspirational Clothing? 

So, now the question becomes; do you wear inspirational clothing right now? If not, why not? If you are into graphic tees, why not wear something that sends out a positive message? The way we dress does change how people see us. 

Some examples of this are:
  1. Miley Cyrus- the recent twerking incident 
  2. Madonna- before and after being a mother it changed 
  3. Elton John-people perceive him to be a certain type of person due to his wardrobe 

With any of these individuals, it can be good or bad, but based even on media, it always seems to be more bad than good. If clothing does send a message, why not choose inspirational clothing instead? If you are interested in seeing a ton to choose from for kids, men, and women, then all you need to do is visit our website right now! 

As parents we can have a better influence on our children. What we do, they want to do. Why not take it a step further and focus on what we wear? Why not take a shot at getting someone to smile with your message on your shirt? 

Take a look at our "inspirational clothing" line, and be sure to check out our community on Facebook too! 

Live Courageously!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Don't Judge a Book by it's Cover

You've probably heard the phrase "don't judge a book by it's cover" at least once in your life. The thing is, you have judged people multiple times. Let's be honest, we have ALL done this.

The worst part about humankind is that we have this ability to look at others and say, "They appear to be.....",  or "They look like they are gay." Wow. Do you really know? Do WE really know for sure with 100% certainty?

It's a curious thing that people say this all of the time, and now there is a book that was recently released that talks about this very topic. The book is You Can Tell Just by Looking by Michael Bronski, Anne Pelligrini, and Michael Amico.

However, the first and foremost authority on this topic, the Bible, doesn't encourage this behavior and speaks against it. Does that grab your attention? Whether you are a Christian or not, remember that you are human too. How would you feel if someone said this about you?

Let's dig a little deeper into the issue, and how it affects everyone involved, even you when you pass judgment on another. Let's talk about what it means to really love others that we may win them over!

Judge a Book by it's Cover if You Want to be Judged 

Pope Francis recently made a statement about the gay community in which he said something like this; "If a gay individual seeks God and has the best of intentions, who am I to judge?" Pope Francis is correct.

We cannot see the inside of a person, and if we could see it when we pass judgement on them, I am sure we would see their poor hearts shattered into a million pieces at the hurt we have caused when speaking ill of them. Whether we think it's justifiable or not, it doesn't matter. What we think has to be measured against what God tells us in His Word.

God tells us in John 13: 34 "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.By this, everyone will know that you are my disciples." (NIV) 

Hmmm. He didn't say that you will "look like one of my disciples." He said your actions will let people know who you are. God also tells us this in Matthew 7:1; "Do not judge or you too will be judged." (NIV) 

What if your life were up on a movie screen for all to see? How would you feel then? The last thing anyone wants is to be judged, and to judge a book by it's cover is all wrong. To put it bluntly, if you passed on a book at the bookstore because the cover wasn't interesting enough, you could miss a very compelling story.

Make sense?

The Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender community wants you to know that they too just want to be loved, and they want to love others. They have a struggle in gaining acceptance, at least in some cases. The thing is, these folks already understand how bad we can pass judgment on each other, and how cruel people can really be.

Why live this way? We can reach out to one another, help one another, and love one another without merit. Before you pass judgment on anyone, consider how you would feel if someone passed judgment on any area of your life first.

Don't judge a book by it's cover, be courageous!

PS-Did you learn something from this blog post today? Were you touched by the message? If so, please comment below, and let us know. We want to hear from you! If you would like to support each other with a positive message, be sure to check out our line of apparel to share your courage! You can go HERE to shop! Remember, it's time to stand up and live a Courageous Life!

Friday, October 18, 2013

How to Get Motivated to Live Out Your Best Life Every Day!

Have you been struggling with how to get motivated? We thought we would help you out a bit! At Courageous Life, we believe that BELIEF in fact fuels your fire, but we know that without motivation it's tough to make it through one day when you face some challenges.

We thought it would be a good idea to share with you some ideas on how you can get motivated and stay there for as long as you need to!

How to Get Motivated with Daily Activity

Here are 10 things you can do to help you not only learn how to get motivated, but to help yo stay there!

1.  Keep a journal! Did you know that journaling your thoughts can help you reflect on where you are in life, and help you get out your feelings on paper? It's great when you can go back and see how far you've come as you make progress!

2. Create a vision board. Get an inexpensive piece of foam board and put photos up of what you want in life. Your house, the car you want to drive, and anything else you can think of. Look at it every day, and you'll be well on your way to staying motivated.

3. Join a community of like-minded people. We at Courageous Life believe in community! We believe it can help you get encouragement when you share with people just like you that are struggling. Join us!

4. Get a motivational list of videos! Watching videos of successful people that have struggled to get to where they are is a great idea. Check out Les Brown, Tony Robbins, and many more!

5. Know your WHY. If you don't have a compelling reason to do something, you'll struggle for a very long time. Have a WHY!

6. Talk to successful people. It's always wise to seek counsel from those that have gone on to be successful before you. They can help you see how to get motivated by pushing through the tough stuff.

7. Read good books! It's wise to read the Word of God, but also read biographies of people that have gone on to be successful. It's great to read how they overcame challenges.

8. Start a blog. Blogging is a great outlet for you to share your thoughts and help others. Helping others can make you feel good!

9. Reward yourself. Don't be afraid to reward yourself if you reach a goal. Whether it's dinner out, a movie, or something else. You will stay motivated when you do this!

10. Set goals and be realistic. It's best for you to set goals with anything in life. If you set goals, it's going to keep you motivated for what you want in life. Set goals, short term, then long term. Where do you want to be in 10 years? This is what we mean!

We hope that you found this article helpful on "how to get motivated", and if you would like some apparel to help remind you that we are here to help, go HERE to learn more about what we offer!

Courageous Life!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Inspirational Words from Desiree on Reinventing Yourself

Inspirational words for your life are never easy to find when you feel like you can't do something. Especially losing weight and taking care of yourself. America has been on a binge for a really long time.

Desiree Tebeau knows how you feel. She came to a realization that things weren't good when her father had fallen, and she couldn't get to him fast enough.

Desiree weighed in at 375 pounds, and when she stepped on the scale she just said, "enough". She had already had trouble with her knees, but the weight made it really difficult for her, even after having surgery on her knees.

What started all of this? It was nothing more than battling physical therapy, pain, her dad's diagnosis of cancer, and to cope with it she just kept eating.

While there are many stories we could write to share with you, we know that inspirational words couldn't come soon enough for those of you who have been battling obesity for a long time. We know that instead of criticism and constant nagging from friends and family, what you need is a little direction and some inspirational words to help you get through.

Inspirational Words from Desiree 

The breaking point for Desiree was when plus size no longer worked for her. Upon her 30th birthday, her mother had purchased a size XXXL size in men's jeans, and when she put them on, they ripped. At that moment, Desiree's heart sank. What options did she have? 

No one came to her aid with inspirational words, she just decided that she had to reinvent herself. She set out on a mission to:
  • Cut out dairy
  • Carbs 
  • Eat lean fish and turkey meat 
  • Special K bars for snacks rather than sweets 

She wants you to know that it's often the small changes that matter, and it isn't that dramatic jump that makes it happen. In fact, if you were to look at the challenges that most overweight individuals face, they come from the inside. It's often a life of abuse, neglect, low self-esteem, and other challenges that spur an individual to binge eat. 

Desiree says to start out small, then kick it up a notch and get a trainer if you can. You'll need encouragement along the way and it may not be from your family and friends. Coaching never hurt anyone! 

We at Courageous Life believe in you, and we are here to give you the inspirational words you need to make it! We believe that by sticking together, encouraging each other to have courage, make better choices, and live life to the fullest, it takes a community. That's us. 

So, here is what you do! Order one of our t-shirts today. You can look when you go HERE right now at our men's and ladies apparel. Order the size you want to fit into. Then, go and set goals for yourself. Once you reach your goal, will you send us your photo and let us see how you are doing? 

We aren't a training center or weight loss program, we are to say, "Hey, you can do this!" We wish you all of the best, and we are always here to offer some courage, inspirational words, and more at Courageous Life

Living The Courageous Life Kinetic Typography Video

If you are in need of a little late afternoon pick me up, watch this motivational video.
If you like this video, leave us a comment!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Courage in a King

Because irony shows up in more ways than one - verbal, dramatic and situational, life requires us to have courage in places we might not think we need it. One man that was greatly affected by this was King George VI.

Have you seen the King's Speech?  It was a wonderfully made movie regarding his struggle with a speech impediment, or more commonly known as studdering.

It made his life incredibly hard and personally embarrassing to even speak to his fellow British countrymen.

Here's a little background story on his life:

Did you know studdering is one of the leading causes of bullying?

Let's stand together and stand up for what we believe live passionately, making certain everyone is treated fairly and equitably, to live courageously, and to love unconditionally.

Are you ready to stand up for what you believe in? Wear it!