Saturday, March 30, 2013

Arise My Love-All Things Become New!

If you have ever heard the song by Newsong, "Arise my Love", then you are sure to hear it at some point this weekend. This is one of the most listened to songs during this special Easter weekend, and it's what is on ears of millions of Christians around the globe.

However, let's not forget that at this time, it's the perfect time to reflect on what Resurrection means for us. For each of us, this could be different, and NOT to mention that it could very well be life changing.

This is to say that even if you aren't singing "Arise my Love", then there is plenty to think about during this Spring Time and Easter season!

Remember, old things are passed away and all things are become new. Just to shed some light on this for you, let me tell you a story.

Sustained with Arise My Love 

There was a time when I thought my life was over, but little did I know that the lyrics for Arise my Love would get through it. In fact, I had made tremendous progress after I had gone through a divorce, but once I heard this song, it hit me that there was in fact life after divorce, for sure. 

I had married a man that I grew up with, our parents went to school together, and everyone always seemed to like him wherever he went. It never failed that my decision on dating someone was solid, but this time I didn't realize how wrong I could be. 

The first year seemed to go well, and then it went really, really wrong. I had made a horrible discovery that everything I believed to be true was a lie. I was struggling at my job, now this, and I felt like everything was falling apart. 

The thing is, it wasn't because God was there all along. It's amazing how we feel when we think God is NOT near. It's amazing how we feel when we find out that we were wrong! We get that security, that place of safety, right? Not to mention, we pour our hearts out in our desperation, begging Jesus to save us when he already has. 

The best part of all of this,  is that I know that God has already done what needs to be done, and our debt has been paid and settled. He has already given us the peace that passeth all understanding! Don't you think? 

Arise My Love-All Things Become New 

The most important lesson I learned is that old things are passed away, and all things are become new. I had to shake the dust from my past and start living in freedom. At first, this was extremely difficult, but in time I healed. Once time had come and gone, I was still looking for something to soothe my anger. 

Going through a major life change can be trauamtic for you, depending on what that life change is. No doubt that emotions are not always pleasant to deal with, but Resurrection is symbolic of taking something horrific, ugly, and deathly and bringing a new life above ground, not just raising from the dead. 

This my friends is what we are called to do-live courageously. We were called to more than what we are doing right now, and we were called to live new life, not just come up from the old one. Resurrection means a raising of the dead, and in order to be alive again, you must be new, right?

New life is what God is all about, and this is a time of year when Resurrection takes place with:
  • Life 
  • Spring flowers 
  • New Businesses
  • New jobs
  • New home improvements
There is always something to start in spring, right about the time we celebrate the Resurrection. IS it any wonder that I love the song Arise my Love

Friday, March 29, 2013

A Mothers Love No Matter What

A mothers love is no doubt just as strong or as sound as a mothers courage. You might be reading this wondering what this is really about. It's about the fact that once a mother gives birth, she never considers that she would have lived life any other way.

Imagine, how strong that love is that she chooses you. She choose to plan for you, have you, and then care for you.

A mother, wants to teach you everything about life, how to love, how to know the difference between right and wrong, how to read, how to paint, how to sing, and everything else a mom loved when she was a child. There isn't a replacement for this joy in life.

Your experience may NOT have been so loving, so special, and one that didn't create memories. Either way, this story of a mother's love will touch you. Keep reading.

How a Mothers Love Works 

It seems that when your child is sick as a parent, that you would do anything for them, right? Could you possibly name one thing you wouldn't do for them? It would be tough to think that you could think of one single thing right? 

This is why one of the most amazing things is how a mother can give birth to a child that is handicapped and NOT think twice about loving them. In a mother's eyes, her children are perfect, no matter what they do, even if they are upset with them. 

I was sitting in the doctor's office, and I was across from an older couple that had a set of adult male twins. I was watching them interact and I saw nothing but happiness, smiling, and conversation that was  unconventional, yet continous. 

One of the boys couldn't talk at all, and was using his sign language, but the other was fully conversational in his own way. Their mother caught me watching them and smiling, and I said to her, you MUST be the happiest mother in the world. She said to me:

"I am, and you are the first woman to ever say that to me, thank you! You see, most people don't get it. They would think that my husband and I are burdened taking care of them all of their life,yet we find it such a joy. The truth is, we have our boys here with us always, whereas most mothers don't. They grow up, go to college, then they get married, and you NEVER see them again. We value and treasure every second with them, and we wouldn't have it any other way." 

As we were talking, the one that had the ability to speak said to me, "You are so pretty. Yep, yep you are. Why don't you think that you are? Yep, pretty just soooooooooooo pretty."

I was smitten. In that very moment, I was captivated in a conversation with a young man that was very capable of expressing what he saw, but yet somehow I didn't see the same thing. I did see that he was loved, and that there are some things in life that are absolutely no accident. 

In fact, it was the joy of her being able to converse with him in this fashion that she said she has learned so much, and that her son taught her so much. It was the same thing I was seeing right then, and it was amazing. A mother hangs on every word, no matter what, just because it's her son. 

A mother's love never ends, and doesn't pick and choose what is lovely. 

I have to say that after this today, there is nothing like a mothers love that transcends all understanding, and that no doubt, it is the most unlikely candidates that teach us more about ourselves than we ever could. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Sugary Drinks and the Government?

Sugary drinks have been a hot topic lately in New York, and needless to say it was thrown out. I mean, banning the large soft drinks would be great, but it wasn't tightened up enough, and it was just silly for the government to believe that they should be able to tell people what they can eat and drink, right?

Don't you think it sounds a bit controlling for the Mayor of New York to tell people that they are too heavy and that they need to cut back on soft drinks? I certainly do! Am I saying it takes courage to stand up and drink a soft drink in front of them? No, not at all.

What I do want to get across is that we as a country need to stand up for our ability to think for ourselves. I mean, how could we go so wrong after so many years of being the greatest country in the world?

I still believe that we are, at least for the time being. However, it seems that with so much control in progress, we have lost sight of we should be doing, what we should be teaching our children, and most of all, what need to teach our grandchildren.

Let me share with you a story I heard the other day.

Sugary Drinks and Communism? 

The other day I ran out to Barnes and Noble as I often do, looking for reading material on business, personal development, and anything else that comes to mind. I typically don't read much fiction, but I was looking for Atlas Shrugged

At the end of the literature section, it's adjacent to the children's books, and a young boy was with his father right after school looking for a book for a book report. As they were searching, the young man looks up at his dad and says, "Dad, do you know if we can get a Coke here?" 

The father says, "No son, they have bottled water, juices, and of course coffee which you are too young to drink!" 

As the father lightly chuckled to himself, the young man says, "Oh, are we getting that ban on Coca-Cola too?", with a look that was so hoping that the answer was no. 

His father simply replied with, "No, we aren't in New York, and word has it it's not going to happen." As he was answer his son, he son's face had a bit of a confused look. 

The young man's response was simply this: "Dad, I was really worried, because we have been studying the different types of countries and how they are run. We were talking about communism today, and the teacher said that this is what this sugary drinks law sounded like." 

My thoughts were, wow. What are we teaching our young men and women? What do our children preceive to be happening? We often have our way of looking at things as adults, but to hear it come out of the mouth of a child is much different. Agreed?

Sugary Drinks are Just the Beginning

So, all in all, are sugary drinks just the beginning? Or, are they the marker of something more looming to come? 

Whether or not you are a Christian and you are reading this, the truth remainds that our country is sinking fast. I have encountered many folks that immigrated here from communist countries, and what I am hearing from them is that they now feel that the US is headed in that direction. 

Don't you find that alarming folks? I do, and it disturbs me from the standpoint that this is a country that preaches out our freedoms, yet it seems that more of them are being taken away. 

Do you believe that you were born into a country that is free? Do you see that those freedoms seem to be slipping away? Do you find that each time you think it's getting better that it really isn't? 

Wake up America! It's time to realize that we are at the mercy of government officials, but really what they know isn't what our country is made of. We need to find a way to do things better, do them consistently, and have the courage to stand up about nonsensical things like "sugary drinks" before something bigger comes down the pike! 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Political Courage on Immigration Reform?

Political courage like anything else is truly much needed when it comes to changing the way our country views things. Whether it's laws  or not, it doesn't matter! Our country was called to have spiritual courage folks. Think about it.

Our President wants more Americans to stand up and have what he calls political courage for immigration reform. Why?

He wants anyone and everyone to be able to come into our country.

While I don't believe that people from other countries shouldn't be allowed to come here, I also don't believe that we should allow our borders to be out of control, enabling folks to inhabit this country unless they have gone through the proper immigration process.

Does God have the whole world in His hands? Yes, He does, and He always will. However, that doesn't mean that we are NOT to focus on protecting our citizens and the freedoms that we have enjoyed here. God has blessed us, and we should share that blessing, but that doesn't mean that we should take our borders lightly.

Political Courage from Lawmakers? 

When the President calls for political courage from our lawmakers, what is he really asking for? He is asking for comprehensive immigration reform, and he is making it urgent, because he wants to be able to pass this law as soon as possible.

Obama made this statement while he was at a naturalization ceremony, and the it was sone in front of these 28 new Americans at the White House. The White House no doubt has given support for bipartisan efforts, and while it sounds great in theory about this bipartisan gathering, is it really good for our country?

Bipartisan efforts are great, but what I am talking about is immigration reform. In my mind, it seems that the President is the one that evades political courage, because he leaves nothing up for discussion. Instead, he just tells people that the time to study this issue is over. That's it. What is left?

The fact remains that instead of standing up for what is right and protecting our country, our President and his cronies are so overly concerned with making everyone so happy that they can't and won't take a stand for anything. It's that tolerance bug again folks. What's up?

The more we become tolerant, the less we stand for. There is so much leniency I find it frightening. In fact, I believe that we are so lenient that our country will just accept everything.

Before you know it, we tolerate:

  1. Sex acts in the street 
  2. Drunkeness from our teens 
  3. Teen pregnancy or even worse when these girls are younger 

There aren't enough people taking a stand, but instead we tolerate everything. We cannot continue to live this life! Our children trust in us to show them the way, and if we are teaching this, how can we possibly expect them to grow up and be strong men and women?

Are you ready to take a stand for what is right and NOT what everyone else thinks you should do or believe? Are you ready to take a stand for your God and STOP agreeing with other people that everything is okay?

It's NOT okay, and it's time to get angry about the sin and turn political courage into an intolerance for just anything and everything.

Live courageously!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Planned Parenthood-Where is the Courage?

Meet Abby Johnson, former employee of Planned Parenthood. What you are about to hear about this may sicken you, and that is the goal.

For one, I am surprised that more people don't know about what has been happening, and not to mention, I am thrilled that this young woman is taking a stand for what she believes is right.

Abby Johnson is now considered an icon for the pro-life movement, and the message she has to offer is one of strength, courage, and bravery.

However, if you were to read more about her, this isn't about getting accolades, she simply just wants to do what she believes is what God would want for His children. If you are NOT familiar with the story of Abby Johnson, then KEEP READING. You are about to discover what is happening, and how Abby is making a real difference in the lives of others.

Planned Parenthood Losing Abortion Clinic Workers is Making Headlines 

If you are NOT familiar with Planned Parenthood, be aware that what they are doing is beyond sneaky. It borders on sickening, hellatious, and it's frightening to think that young women are going there to get help, but it's all happening without parental consent, solid guidance and putting young women at risk for believing that abuse is okay.

When Abby Johnson first joined this organization, she was in college, and she wasn't familiar with the inner workings and what was really happening on the inside. Needless to say she was pro-choice when she first arrived on the scene, and she was forever changed when she was forced to observe an abortion that happened at 13 weeks.

What would you say, how would you react, knowing that at 13 weeks you could hear a baby's heartbeat, be closer to learning the sex of the child, and knowing that you could easily view that baby on ultrasound and see that they are developing visible features?

Putting Planned Parenthood Into Perspective 

Today, we are here to share with you the courageous move and story of Abby Johnson, and why she is helping these workers from Planned Parenthood get free of their jobs. This is NOT intended to debate the issue on pro-life or pro-choice.

Watching a baby fight for their life during the abortion is what caused Abby to change her beliefs on this issue, and for man women that get hired, they struggle through the process. As a result, she is helping these women get free of their jobs, and help them get emotional support as a result of what they are witnessing.

It takes courage to go against the grain and do it in the face of an organization that has been around for years and has government support and funding. She is simply doing what she believes in and what she feels is right. What would you do?

We are not asking you to change your beliefs, but you have to admit this story is quite powerful, and it's sharing the courage of one young woman that is facing lawsuits and ridicule from others. Will you stand up for what you believe is right? Where is the courage?

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Fathers and Daughters-Where is Mom?

If you are a dad that has daughters, then you know that fathers and daughters have something special they share. It seems that oftentimes, moms and daughters clash; not always but most of the time it seems that way, right? If you have ever had a rift with your daughter, it probably tore you in half, and if she is now a teenager, you are finding out how protective you can really be. 

The truth is, our young women are suffering, and the pressures they feel even if for a moment are more than we could bear for them to feel. If we could just see what they often feel in the course of a day, we would do anything to make it go away. Unless you just aren't around. Are you developing a strong bond with your daughter, or are you absent in her life? 

Where is mom? Is she around, or is she absent to? It is one thing to be physically present, but it's another to be spiritually present, and experientially present. Make sense? You could be in the same room with your daugther, and still NOT be there. Have you ever done this? Listen up fathers, your daughters need you. Let me tell you a story about why fathers and daughters need to have a stronger bond than ever before. 

Fathers and Daughters Need a STRONG Bond for Her Own Good 

I can remember the day the call came, and then a post on Facebook of what I thought was the end of my friend's daugthers life forever. When a young woman her age, at 16 comes up missing, you can't be too sure that they will ever be found or ever return. Additonally, I had just been watching a broadcast about human trafficking and how big it was becoming as the result of our struggling economy. 

Could it be that we have missed something? How could this go so wrong? How could it be that even children from good homes where their parents loved them were being taken? Specifically, and furthermore, my friend is the single father of 3 little girls, and all because the mothers are deadbeats, completely absent from their daughters lives. The mothers? Yes, the mothers, can you imagine?

The story was, that she had left for school, and had never returned. The classic story of how young women are being taken all of the time. Within the next 15 minutes, the Amber Alert is out, and within an hour, she is spotted with a man aged 45, and he is on his way to California with her. What is the plan? He can easily trade her into the underground porn arena, or he can sell her as a sex slave. Human trafficking at it's best just like in a movie that you may have seen. 

Fathers and Daughters Issues in the Movie, Taken

The movie, TAKEN, did you see it? The father in the movie played by Liam Neeson fears that if he doesn't give in and let his daugther take the trip to Paris, that he will be regarded as the evil dad, and never see her again. 

In the movie, the mother nearly tries to pin this idea on the father, making him look that way so that she becomes the good parent. Is that what this is about? Whether divorced or not, are we really to a place where we as adults cannot put our differences aside for our own children? This issue is just one of many, and not to mention that when a father splits when his daughter is young, she has been abandoned by the number one man in her life, or at least who should have been the number one man in her life

So, what can you do to ensure that she knows she is your one and only princess? What can you do to make sure that she is prepared for marriage later in life, and to stand her ground?

  1. Give her your undivided attention
  2. If you do father-son things together, why not daddy-daughter dates too?
  3. Make special dates with your daughter, so that she knows she is loved and treasured 
  4. Teach her what it means to be respected and cherished above all others 
  5. Reflect upon how you treat your wife, because she will get the same picture from you in what she should expect later in life 

Do NOT neglect this! It's an honor to be a father. It takes courage to sacrifice and make time for her, but the time you spend with her and help her grow as a woman is priceless. It has been said that:
"It is better to build boys and girls than to repair men and women".

Friday, March 22, 2013

Loving Unconditionally

Loving unconditionally is without a doubt one of the hardest things to understand in life. It's hard to fathom that no matter what someone says or does that you can or should still love them. The question becomes, should we?

I mean, is it really possible? I am reminded of a story about a young couple that went through something quite tumultuous, and the love was still there.

Was it the same? Great question. Love should NEVER change, no matter what. Love NEVER fails, right? It only sees the good in us and in others, right?

What does it take for one to love without condition?

What Loving Unconditionally Means

I think most folks misunderstand when I talk about unconditional love, that I expect women that are abused to stay with their husbands. This is not the case at all. In fact, loving someone doesn't mean that you permit ill behavior, or that you let them act out with no consquences. 

The truth is, if you love someone, you want to guide them into all truth. If you don't teach them that there are consequences  for bad behavior, then they will continue to do what they are doing. Regardless of what happens, you will still love someone. 

Loving unconditionally simply means that you have the courage to do what most folks won't. Courage is what you have when you feel the fear but you do it anyhow. By the way there is no fear in love. This is really what love is all about, and the Apostle Paul set the standard when he wrote this in Corinthians. 

I may speak in different languages[a] of people or even angels. But if I do not have love, I am only a noisy bell or a crashing cymbal. I may have the gift of prophecy. I may understand all the secret things of God and have all knowledge, and I may have faith so great I can move mountains. But even with all these things, if I do not have love, then I am nothing. I may give away everything I have, and I may even give my body as an offering to be burned.[b]But I gain nothing if I do not have love.Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous, it does not brag, and it is not proud. Love is not rude, is not selfish, and does not get upset with others. Love does not count up wrongs that have been done. Love takes no pleasure in evil but rejoices over the truth. Love patiently accepts all things. It always trusts, always hopes, and always endures.Love never ends. There are gifts of prophecy, but they will be ended. There are gifts of speaking in different languages, but those gifts will stop. There is the gift of knowledge, but it will come to an end. The reason is that our knowledge and our ability to prophesy are not perfect. 10 But when perfection comes, the things that are not perfect will end. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I stopped those childish ways. 12 It is the same with us. Now we see a dim reflection, as if we were looking into a mirror, but then we shall see clearly. Now I know only a part, but then I will know fully, as God has known me. 13 So these three things continue forever: faith, hope, and love. And the greatest of these is love.
Would you say that this scripture in I Corinthians is what loving unconditionally is all about?

Live a Courageous Life

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Prayer Movement? How Prayer Could be Making it's Way Back into the Schools!

Is This Just a New Way to Get Prayer Inside Schools?

Prayer movement you say? Ah, that could be the case when it comes to the state of Arkansas, and no doubt it's being questioned due to those that always scream about the freedom of religion.

While many argue today that Christians talk too much about their faith, they are simply exercising their rights. Myself included, a Christian that isn't afraid to speak their mind!

After all, I thought the issue was freedom of, and not "freedom from". Right? So, if a bill passes in the state of Arkansas that allows students to take a moment of silence and reflect, how hard could it be to pray? I can pray anywhere, anytime, and pray about anything I want.

Whether or not the schools allow prayer doesn't matter as far as the ability for one to pray to God our Father, but the practice of prayer once taken out of school has shown what can happen. Yes, it speaks for itself folks. Would you agree that the mandate to take a moment of silence might be great for our schools? Maybe Arkansas is on to something!

Create Your Own Prayer Movement 

While Arkansas is having this debate over the moment of silence in schools and whether or not it encourages prayer in schools, what are you doing to get some activity on this in your schools? Would you be a willing vessel to start a prayer movement

The bill in this case was presented by Republican representative Debra Hobbs, and it states that time to reflect quietly and pray is mandatory. The idea that Hobbs puts on the table is that it helps students prepare for their day adequately. Would you agree? Most Christians, myself included attempt to start the day off with prayer, and in this respect, Hobbs is approaching this the same way. 

The interesting point is the comment that Hobbs made to a local TV stations, which was, and I quote:

"Prayer was added in the language so if a student chooses to pray, 'the teacher can't say 'Oh you can't pray in school,'" Hobb said to a local TV station."
It's amazing that this has been such a touchy subject for so long, and yet now there is someone attempting to do something about it. The press is naturally going after this story big time, all in all they are haters of the press in that they would love to just shut this thing down and make it sound like someone is trying to find a sly way to "slip prayer into the school."

The funny thing is, anyone can pray anywhere at any time. Even if the bill gets rejected, it was a great stand taken by Hobbs, and one that we should model after her, and no doubt begin to build a case for starting our own prayer movement. Don't you agree?

Do you stand up for what you believe in? I know I haven't always done so, and the thing is, prayer is a privilege. It is the direct connection to our Heavenly Father. How could we do without it? Why do we tolerate such arguments over something our forefathers did when this country was started?

Isn't it a free country or is becoming communist? Something to think about. We cannot live without prayer, and neither can our children. If you would like to see prayer in school, then don't let up. Even if we approached it as allowing our students to hold Bible studies, we are starting somewhere. With so many clubs that schools offer, why not allow our kids to hold a Bible study, right?

Have courage, have faith. Parent's, if we don't teach our kids the right way, we won't teach them at all. Start praying about how you can start your own prayer movement right where you are, and always live courageously!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Veterans Disability Ratings-Are They Fair?

Veterans disability ratings are what we refer to for a certain criteria when it comes time to assess their disability and rate of pay. The big question is whether or not it's being done the right way, and whether or not it's actually fair.

What would you say is the answer on this one? Wouldn't you say it's fair to find it easy to compensate those that have fought for our freedom? Wouldn't you say it's fair to compensate those that were sent to war to fight for this country period?

It's amazing to me how men and women can be sent overseas or anywhere for that matter to defend our country, and when they come back we tell them that they have no coverage for their disabilities as a result of the war.

We sent them, we cover them; RIGHT? If you were a veterand how would you feel?

While certain criteria need to be met in any case of disability, I would certainly hope that our men and women that fought for this country didn't have to jump through hoops to get what they need and deserve.

Can we get an amen?

No Need to Battle Over Veterans Disability Ratings 

If you have never understood the formula for veterans disability ratings, they exist just as they would for anyone with the need for:
  1. An assessment
  2. A criteria
  3. Identification for the disability or disease 
  4. Earnings capacity as a result of the disability or disease 

These are all important. I get it. What I struggle with, although I am NOT a veteran is that it seems that many of our service men and women have been throught his assessment only to not receive the pay that they thought they would be receiving. 

We have tons of veterans that have fought for us and are now disabled, but yet we have teen mom's having children and yet they are able to get their hands on just about anything they want or need. How does this work? 

Now we have another troubling story. Claims are being made that auditors that handle these disability cases are overcompensating veterans so that they can avoid working through the backlog of those that are waiting. While veterans disability ratings are put into place to help streamline the process, I find it interesting that in reality anyone could say that our veterans are being overcompensated. 

How is that possible? In my personal opinion, these men and women have more courage than the planet as a whole, but what do I know? No, I didn't serve, my father did, and both of my grandfathers did as well. I have so many more that served, but I didn't personally. This is why I have utmost respect for these men and women, and it's why I am saddened that these individuals are NOT getting the benefits they desperately need. 

How sad. Is there a solution? If so, what is that solution? 

Veterans Disability Ratings-Help Disabled Vets NOW! 

One of the things we can do, even if we feel that we have no control is that we can serve our disabled vets by offering our time and resources for free. We can offer to help them clean their homes, give to charities that help support them, and much more. 

Our veterans will never get enough help, and in some way we can all make our own contribution. We don't have to walk on water, but we can care about our vets and let them know how much we appreciate them. Our vets have given us our freedom, and many of them continue to fight overseas. What will you do?

A big part of living courageously is doing what is right even if you don't feel like it, or even if you don't believe that you have the time do do it. What are you waiting for? It's time for you to do something for someone else, and show them you love. Aside from what our government says about veterans disability ratings, it's time to serve! 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Courage Has No Color

Courage doesn't care about color right? Just in case you didn't know, this is what cihldren believe,and they are right. If you were to ask children's author Tonya Lee Stone about her new book, Courage Has No Color, then you would understand completely why this book is such a hot item.

Just in case you don't know, the book is about the first black paratroopers. This book for ages 10 and up is a great book for parents to put on the reading list for them and their child as they approach social issues and challenges.

Why not let our history be well-rounded? These paratroopers known as the Triple Nickles, will in the eyes of this author become as well known as the Tuskegee Airmen. Why? No, the author isn't African American, but she does care about people.

Do you think that it takes courage to do something that others won't? Do you believe that it is courageous to go against racism and treat people equally, regardless of their race, creed or color? Ms. Stone had no problem writing a book that some would say, "gee, a white woman wrote this?"

I see this all of the time, and the funny thing is people seem so shocked about it. People are stunned that several African American folks went to see the movie Lincoln. Yet, this only proves that there are tons of Americans that obviously didn't pay attention in history class.

The Author Has Courage All Around 

It's funny when a gal that is Caucasian writes a book about African American paratroopers, and wants to see these folks take their place in history regardless of who they were or where they came from. Isn't this what life is really about? It's about giving credit to where credit is due.

What is most impressive about this author? It took her 10 years to write this book, and that is something not many people would keep up with. That alone takes courage, which means that the author herself has a tremendous story of her own.

I hope that each and everyone of you educate your children properly, and share with them what is meant to be remembered in history. Anything worth writing about is worth remembering, and hopefully, you will have the courage to stand up for those that don't always get the most in recognition.

Live Courageously!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Political Courage? Do We Have it?

Do you think that we have political courage? I'm not sure that our country does have it, and if we did, we wouldn't have the issues that we have today.  Generally speaking, if we see some things going wrong for so long, we learn how to do it right rather than repeating bad habits and bad behaviors. The sad part is that so many people are doing whatever they want, when they want, and that includes our President and our government as a whole. 

With that said, will you stand up for your country if you see something that needs to be changed? Do you just say yes when you feel as though you have no choice, or do you take a stand for what is right and make others aware of it? It's time for us to have a righteous anger about what is happening in this country, and take the mistakes we have made as a learning experience and change the game. Do you agree? 

Political Courage Means You Are Not the Norm! 

Chances are that you found this blog while searching online because you are fed up with what you hear and see in the media everyday. I am too, and that is why I am sharing the way that I feel with you specifically about political courage

I feel like everyday when I turn on the news, all I see and hear is the backbiting, lying, and the poor decisions that our government is making. Not to mention the fact that it's all about using whatever means they think is right to get there, no matter who we take from or use in the process. 

We just heard that our military are NOT getting the benefits of a college eduation but yet illegal aliens can? What a mess. It makes no sense. What have we become? We not only tolerate everything because we have to be politically correct or "PC" as some of you call it, but then what are we really doing? In reality, we just invite more problems, and try to make it look like we are such an amazing country to live and work in. So, if we say that we take a stand for something, shouldn't we just take a stand?

I believe the words of Alexander Hamilton were and I quote, "Those who stand for nothing fall for anything." So, what are you waiting for? What are we as a country really waiting for? There is no time to wait, but it's time to move forward and stand for what is right in the sight of God, and not abandon ourselves to the wishes of men. Will you take a stand and show your political courage? You can also learn more about wearing your courage HERE. Remember, not everything is at it seems, and if you believe in taking a stand for our country and having political courage. then take a moment to reflect on what it means to live a courageous life

Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Victoria Cross for Lance Corporal James Ashworth

Today, the news was releases that Lance Corporal James Ashworth would receive the Victoria Cross Award for protecting his men in Afghanistan. This award is only given to the most courageous of men, and it's an award only given to soldiers in the UK.

The award has only been given 10 times since the Second World War, so it isn't taken lightly. This battle occured inside a compound that was being held by the Taliban, an extremist religious group in Afghanistan believed to be behind many acts of terrorism in America and abroad.

With a religious group so fierce, isn't it time that we took a stand against them completely? If we know where they worship, and intelligence tells us where they reside, why is it that we permit them to continue to do these heinous acts?

What does it take for us to get more behind our country and our allies versus giving in and being tolerant of those that are openly committing to being associated with the Taliban among other related religious groups just like it?

What the Victoria Cross Means

If you study the history of this award, the Victoria Cross, you can easily see that this award is given to those that stand "in the face of the enermy". This medal is above all others, but note, "in the face of the enermy". Folks, what are we doing being tolerant of those that wish to kill those in our country and our allies that take a stand for our freedoms?

Why are we tolerant of those groups that support the hatred and violence of these countries? Furthermore, why do we have a President that supports this type of behavior and cancels our programs for it? We are not called to be "tolerant" but we are called to be "courageous". We are called to be "set apart", and we are called to be more by the grace of God. 

I am not saying that there shouldn't be religious freedom, but when a group exhibits beliefs that are not in line with our countries social acceptance, and they are steeped in another country's religious culture with:
  1. Hatred
  2. Violence
  3. Human sacrifice
  4. Lack of love 

There is no place for it! Those of you that are Christians, do you recognized that God asks nothing of us? He loves us, and God the Father sent His Son to die for us. Christianity is wrapped in love, giving with the ultimate sacrifice. Wouldn't you say that this picture I just painted for you is what is worthy of the standing "in the face of the enemy"? 

How amazing that this Victoria Cross is super symbolic of what we stand for. If there is any doubt look it up, and read more about this young man and the history of this medal. This my friends is what living courageously is all about! 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Spiritual Courage-The New Pope's Mission

Spiritual courage is a term you probably don't hear often, but I'm not surprised. In fact, up until yesterday, I had not heard that term used in quite some time. Why? Because we live in a time of tolerance, when too much of everything is being tolerated.

Courage is standing up for what is right no matter what, and I hope that pray that the new Pope stands behind his mission to see a church built on the blood of Jesus Christ. Do you think that is what we will get? How far would you have to go to find spiritual courage in your church? What about in your neighborhood? Before I get too carried away, could  you even find it in your home? That's a great question, right?

I don't know about you, but my thoughts are that we don't have enough guts in the church today in America to share our faith with anyone. What say you? Much like the disciples were fleeing from Jesus when the soldiers came, people are feeling today still. Has the church gone soft? Yes, yes it has.

Defining Spiritual Courage

Oftentimes, when I have discussions about spiritual courage with other church members, it seems to go back to one thing. That one thing is that they don't want to offend anyone. What is so offensive about what I believe? It's a free country right? Or, is this one free country becoming communist? 

You can call it what you want, but we have way too many yes men at our doors, saying that they know Jesus but yet they deny Him with their actions. What kind of faith is that? That isn't much of one, and what is on the inside of you is what comes out of you. have you ever considered that?

There are too many so called spiritual leaders going soft. They take a position of leadership running on a campaign type persona, but once they take over, they start listening to the "voices of reason". What are those exactly? It's time to stand up and be counted, and if you aren't ready, don't proclaim Jesus and then attach everything else to His name. It's quite simple actually. 

So, when the Pope says that he wants to see the church be built on the blood of Jesus, will he stick to it? Will he focus on those less fortunate as he has done in Argentina? Will he continue to take public transportation rather than limousines?

What is true spiritual leadership, and can we learn anything from him? 

Spiritual Courage is Saying God and God Alone

Aside from what the Pope plans to teach and preach, at the end of the day I have one thing to say. It's simply speaking the Word of God back to myself, you, and everyone else that I come into contact with. 

I only bow to the "One True God", "The Son of God"! I only pray to God the Father, and I have his Holy Spirit living withing me, I am changed! I hope that the world understand that worshipping a man is not acceptable in the eyes of Jesus. I am set apart, and we that are saved and washed by the blood of Christ know this or at least we should. 

So, do you have the spiritual courage to let this be your message to others? What will you say when someone asks you what you believe and why? Will you stand behind what you say you believe, or  will you change your message  down the road so as NOT to offend someone? 

I won't back down, and I will worship God and God alone, you better believe it! To learn more about spiritual courage, and how you can wear and share your courage with others, you can go to, for more information! 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Extremists are We?

Does this photo share an image of extremists? Maybe, at least in the opinion of most you I'm sure that you believe that.  Because you think they are, does that make them so? 
Are these men extremists?

Do you know these men or their intent? If you don't, then that means that you are simply judging them by the way they look, right? In the United States right now, we have a looming issue and that issue is whether or not it's okay for President Obama to use drones in our own country. 

Do you agree? Disagree? What gives? Simply put, you should know that not only is this an issue, but it's becoming a real problem with our own citizens simply because the rules behind this are nothing short of accusing others of being extremists. 

While we do have them in our own country, is this the answer? If I full out live my faith and share it with others, does that make me one too? 

Defining Extremists 

With our country up in arms about extremists and what it means to be one, the reality is that yes, it's still a sore subject, and it's not going to go away anytime soon. 

The challenge is this; religion is the culture in most other countries and in the United States it is not. While we believe that our country was founded on Christian principles, the truth is that we still view others as extremists if they don't agree with us. 

However, what these folks really are is a group of folks that take it beyond the faith, or vow to follow a faith or group that places no value on human life. Do you agree? 

The problem in America now is that we have become so tolerant of everything, that it's going to spiral out of control, and it actually already has. If our government believes that they don't agree with something we do, we could have a missile launched on us. 

If you were watching the news last week, then you are fully aware that airline pilots spotted a drone in their flight path and they reported to the air control tower, confused and totally taken aback by the fact it was in the air. Do you really believe that this is an accident? 

Not so in our book, especially now that drones on our soil is a hot topic. If anything is diverging from the norm of society we are calling it extreme. So, I guess if our society changes, and we are tolerant of everyone and everything, where does that put us? 

Are We Extremists if We Have Courage? 

I think one of the biggest concerns that Americans have is this; if we show courage and stand up for our beliefs, are we extremists? Is it wrong to stand up for what we believe? What we believe is what was the norm for our country and has been for thousands of years, but am I too foolish to believe that we can stand up for what is right and not get a missile launched on us?

It just seems that we have a disease going around in this country, one that encourages people doing whatever they want however they want. Wouldn't you call that extreme? Is it extreme to keep having children and living on welfare? 

  1. Would you say that the following is extreme?
  2. Killing others just because they don't agree with you 
  3. Killing others because you believe it will give you a special place with God
  4. Forcing citizens of your country to work when they aren't being paid? 

There are so many issues that we face, but we have too many chiefs and NOT enough Indians, don't you think? 

Here is what we know to be true. God is God, and HE always will be. In fact, God Himself says, "I AM THAT I AM", and that is really all we need to know. 

I believe it's time that we stand up and be counted, don't you? It's time for us to live courageously! 

If you enjoyed this post, please leave a COMMENT, and share it via social media in Google +, Facebook, and Twitter. 

Thank you and we look forward to serving you! 

Courageous Life 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Samira Ibrahim and the Plaque of Courage

Managing editor Rana Allam

Samira Ibrahim is a name that you may be familiar with, but if you are hearing her name for the first time, there is no better time than now to hear her story of courage.

Samira, is a woman like most other women that get to a place where they are fed up with feeling as though they are "not enough", or that they cannot live the life they believe that they were intended to live.

Have you ever been there? Whether you are a man or a woman it matters not, but I would venture to say that there are tons of women all around the world that are being told what to do, how to feel, and they are NOT all in America either.

Much like Samira, you are looking for something more, and in the US you have more freedom to do what you want. Her journey began January 25, 2011, when she ventured to Tahrir Square and she wanted to make her plea for a better life in regards to:

  1. Getting food for her family
  2. Justice
  3. Equality in society and more 

What was the end result? Force by SCAF (Supreme Council of the Armed Forces). A test that would violate this woman down to her core along with thousands of women just like her. There are more facts you need to know about Samira Ibrahim.

Samira Ibrahim and SCAF

Leading up to the rally of Hosni Mubarak, SCAF brought impending doom and sorrow upon the Egyptian people, most of them were women. 

If you didn't hear of the virginity test, it isn't a pleasant experience for these women at all. In fact, with many young women being detained for wanting nothing more than freedom, the Egyptian Army did this to avoid allegations of rape. You can call it what you want, but making a young woman strip down to nothing for a "test to find out if she is a virgin" is unthinkable. 

Egypt has been viewed as a conservative country, so even talking about a test as such was hard for these women to do. Samira at the age of 26 struggled, but she didn't want other women to go through this if they were detained. 

Samira Ibrahim is the warrior behind the ban of this "virginity test", and women are relieved. Can you imagine? What if you were forced to do something that you knew wasn't right; would you pave the way for others to be free? 

This is a tough conversation that people don't want to have, but it takes courage to do it. I don't know if I would have that much courage, but we all have a story, right? Do you know something that you could speak out about to help others. What about the issue on bullying? 

That alone is a big issue here, and it needs to be one that we all take a stand against. There is enough pain in life without adding more to it. 

US Plans to Award Samira Ibrahim with Award of Courage 

In the news, it has been a sore issue, but the US still plans to award Samira Ibrahim with a plaque for courage for her stand in getting that "virginity test" banned. 

However, there is a delay simply because the US has been accused of making anti-semitic remarks. What say you? Whether we did or did not, if we plan to award a woman for her courage, we should. That won't change her, she has already changed her world in Egypt, and helped thousands of women in her own right. 

She was brave and courageous regardless of how this plays out. So, it is always easy to have courage? No, of course not, but it's always the right thing to do when someone can be helped. If that helps you move forward then think of it like that. 

Needless to say, I think we could all learn something great from Samira Ibrahim, and that is to live courageously

Techniques to Overcome Fear, Improve Spiritual Health & Maintain Values

It is an unfortunate truth that for many in today’s society, courage is not something that comes naturally. Everyday life discourages bold action, and it is easy to become comfortable in a life of timidity and inactivity. This sort of mindset leads to unhappiness, dissatisfaction with life, and ultimately, depression and unfulfilled goals. It is therefore important, if not essential, to make every effort to remove yourself from the vicious cycle of thoughts encouraged by modern life and live boldly! Cultivating a life of courage will lead you to establish goals and dreams you never would have even thought of before, and give you the willpower to achieve them.

Most of us cannot simply become courageous on command, though. Creating this new mindset takes work and courage in itself, but it can be done! To become more courageous, it is important to focus on spiritual health. You can focus on a few different aspects of your life to improve your spiritual health and in turn become more naturally courageous.

1. Meditation - One way to start cultivating a new mindset of bravery and action is through focused thought and meditation. Meditation can help alter your thought processes and become more positive and active in everyday life, helping you take responsibility, achieve goals and improve spiritual health. Try meditating on achieving victory over fear to put your mind at ease. To do this, set aside half an hour where you can sit quietly without distraction. During this time, sit with your eyes closed and consider the advantages of courage and all the disadvantages of fear. Tell yourself that you actually possess the courage you want to have. Doing this repeatedly for a few weeks or months will help that courage start to manifest itself in everyday life.

2. Establish an Inner Dialogue – Many people are afraid to confront their own thoughts. To counter this, force yourself to establish a dialogue with yourself by bringing those thoughts to the forefront. You can do this by keeping a personal journal or by writing poetry or stories which are reflections of your inner feelings. You can even privately talk to yourself on a regular basis. Doing this will force you to develop a strong relationship with the self and help you become more confident in your understanding of yourself.

3. Read Something Inspirational – Oftentimes, the messages coming from your inner dialogue may be too negatively focused. To counter this, read encouraging or inspiring books or stories to shift your mindset. Experts can provide valuable tips on how to develop and maintain confidence and reading their words will help you maintain focus on your goals.

4. Surround Yourself with Reminders – One of the most difficult parts of leading a courageous life is the numerous distractions which surround us and keep us from focusing on our goals. Reminders around the house or workplace in the form of notes, images, or even apparel can be valuable tools in your mindset-altering arsenal.

What other ways have you found to help you to maintain and improve spiritual health to live a more courageous life? Let us know in the comments below!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Raising Children Right

Does this image portray that the parents are raising children right?

Does the fact that they are happy make you think that they are being raised right? That is probably what some of you think, but this isn't always the case.

These children are being raised right, and I say that because I know their parents. However, what we see is NOT always what we get. Wouldn't you agree?

Furthermore, not everyone agrees on how their children should be raised. So, what is this really about?

Raising children right does have some fundamental basics, but what are they?

Raising Children Right Comes with a Price 

You probably already know this but it takes work to raise children right! Some would argue that it takes work to raise children period. No doubt, right? However, you should know that it's the ultimate sacrifice to raise your children with morals and principles, as you really have to watch yourself. 

What example are you setting? How do you speak in front of your children? If you curse, so will your children and so on. Everything that you do as a parent is what your children will do. WHY? Because they model after you. 

Does the thought of this scare you? Even if you don't have children and you are planning to, how does this blog post make you feel? Raising children right is so important, and there are many steps you can take to make sure that you give them:
  1. Faith
  2. Substance
  3. Courage
  4. Love
  5. Character 
It's more than teaching your children to eat right, stay safe, and manage money. It's instilling faith in them, teaching them what matters most, having courage and facing their fears as they grow up, loving them and teaching them to love, and of course character. Teach your children that character is who you are when no one is looking. 

While it may be tough to swallow, remember it's everything! As a parent, if you are NOT teaching these things, at least consider what you could do better, or maybe seeking counseling in parenting or coaching of some kind. 

There isn't a perfect parent in the world, but remember, that how you model for them is what they will do. If you curse they will curse. If you speak lovingly and with wisdom they will too. These days it seems the only individuals that are doing this are the grandparents, and NOT the parents. What does it take?

Be Courageous and Start Raising Children Right! 

Have you ever been fearful when considering doing things differently with your children? It's only human, but the great thing is that you don't have to do it alone. EVER. If you had good parents then lean on them for guidance, and if you do not, then look for those that can help you with this. 

Remember, being a parent isn't the easiest thing in the world, but if you have chosen to become a mother or father it's your responsibility to raise your children, not someone else's. If you would like to be a part of a community that focuses on raising children right and encourages strong morals and values,  then come on over to see us at Courageous Life today and get connected. 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Voice of America to Honor 9 Women of Courage!

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and First Lady Michelle Obama pose for a photo with the 2012 International Women of Courage Awards Ceremony winners: the Honorable Maryam Durani, Kandahar Provincial Council Member (Afghanistan); Major Pricilla de Oliveira Azevedo, police officer, Rio de Janeiro Military Police (Brazil); Zin Mar Aung, political activist and NGO co-founder (Burma); Jineth Bedoya Lima, investigative journalist (Colombia); Hana Elhebshi, architect and political activist (Libya); Aneesa Ahmed, gender-based violence (GBV) activist and former Deputy Minister of Women's Affairs (Maldives); Shad Begum, human rights activist and founder/executive director of Anjuman Behbood-e-Khawateen Talah (the Union of Women's Welfare) (Pakistan); Samar Badawi, political activist (Saudi Arabia); Hawa Abdallah Mohammed Salih, human rights activist (Sudan); and the Honorable Safak Pavey, Member of Parliament (Turkey), at the U.S. Department of State in Washington, D.C., on March 8, 2012. [State Department photo/ Public Domain]
Photo from

Were you aware that the Voice of America awards women the title of being courageous each year? This year, Michelle Obama will be giving this award to 9 women from various countries, honoring them for their acts of courage, and these women are truly exceptional. 

Recently, the US State Department released an article about these 9 women regarding their acts of courage, where they are from, and why they are receiving these awards. At a time when the world could use more peace, it's refreshing to see this award being given to so many women! 

The question is, as a woman, what do you call courageous? Do you feel as though it often takes courage just for you to make it through one day with your children and everything on your list? It has a few of us shaking our heads, and wondering what we could do to help change the world, or create a better place for our children right? 

Here is a bit about these women, and what they did with their time and talent to help make the world a better place! 

Voice of America Chooses International Women for The Award of Courageous Woman! 

Malalai Bahaduri 

While this name may not ring a bell with you, Malalai is one of the women being awarded along with 8 others for the Women of Courage award by Michelle Obama. She is a Second Lieutenant, and at the age of 2 she was born in the Wardak Province, Kabul. Although she was living under the Taliban rules, she received her educationg through grade 12, which is something that very few women were able to do. 

The year 2002 brought a lot of promise for her as her husband supported her decision to go into law enforcement. Surprisingly, the only threats of death and pain were from her own uncle who abused her and broke her nose as a result of her decision in changing her career. 

Her perservance and her desire to be a mother of 3 and have a career, kept her going, and she was the first woman to be named as a member of the Afghan National Interdiction Unit, and she has played an important role in forming the Counter Narcotics Police. Her story is one of courage and determination, and when asked why she fought her way through, she simply stated that it was important for men and women to have equal rights. 

Now that she has grandchildren, they will have quite a legacy before them, and one that we can all learn from as women! 

Voice of America also is presenting Julieta Castellanos from Honduras with an award of courage as well. For Julieta, it's more than dealing with women's right or issues. Julieta is concerned and deeply driven by everything that affects her home country of Honduras. 

She took big steps in working with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and has made countless efforts in helping her nation recover from violent political acts. Julieta has taken great care in forming an organization that covers more than 400 organizations, and champions them toward a civil society. This has not been an easy feat for this country, as violence has repeatedly been the norm. 

Would Voice of America Choose You? 

Now that you have had a chance to read more about the Voice of America in choosing these 9 women of courage, would they choose you? Could  the Voice of America find courage in you, so much so that they would be compelled too award you for  making a difference? 

The reality is that not only should you take a stand for what is right, but you as a woman are the guidepost for our children, and for teaching our young women how they should live. Are you as a woman doing everything that you should do? 

If you are not, then consider how you can use your gifts and talents to help others, and how you can be more instrumental in changing the world. Be the change you want to see, and for you that could start in your home. Perhaps, you have daugthers at home, and you would  like to see them grow into strong, Godly, and courageous women. 

If you need a little help, check out our website at, and be sure to check out how you can wear your courage too! Remember, it's always wise to live courageously! 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Corrie ten Boom a Profile of Courage

Corrie ten Boom may be a name that you are familiar with if you grew up in the church. It's not a name that everyone knows, but it's familiar to those in the Christian church. Why?

Not only was this woman a woman of faith, but she is no doubt a profile of faith. You can find a museum named after her, and if you read about her life, you are sure to learn more about her home in Haarlem, Holland. So, why is this one woman so well known around the world among those that are Christians?

Because not only is Corrie ten Boom a woman of faith and courage, but her families testimony lives long as an example of how their loyalty and love toward the Jewish people have set the standard for obedience to God, and why they were so instrumental in touching the lives of so many.

The Story of Corrie ten Boom 

It's no surprise that this woman is still such a profile of courage and love, as a result of her upbringing in Holland. Her father opened a watch shop in the early 1800's, and the home was above the shop. No surprise eh?

In those early days, this was the standard, and when her father passed away, the home was passed down to his son, Casper. The house was eventually passed down to Corrie as well, as she was next in line. In 1999, this home was purchased by the Corrie ten Boom Foundation, and as a result, this has been known as "The Hiding Place", and for good reason.

This family was completely devoted to God, and as a result they were one of the most giving families to nearly anyone in need. This family was involved in social work, and had a passion for reaching out to anyone they could, no matter what the need was. As a result, this carried over into the Second World War, and this home was used to hide Jewish people and others that were being hunted down by the Nazis.

Risky? You bet it was. I don't know that I could say I would do the same. This world has moved to a state of, "To each his own", state of mind, but what if I had a need? Would I hope that someone would help me? Yes, in tough times, I would hope so. I cannot imagine NOT helping a child or an animal, but what about our fellow man in general?

Are we so far gone in society that we won't lend a hand to someone in need? The best part is that they reached out, housing fugitives in a non-violent manner, trusting God and risking their lives. What a beautiful picture of how God hides us in the palm of His hand and protects us. Amazing wouldn't you say?

Corrie ten Boom a Ringleader? 

If I could come up with a good name for Corrie ten Boom, it would be "ringleader". Needless to say she was just that for these fugitives, and she continued reaching out to others during the mid 1940's as needed to those in the Dutch underground movement as well as those Jewish folks that needed refuge in a time when the landscape was dangerous. 

Just as her father taught her, it's God's will to care for others and show them love, even when it means risking your life. So, the question is, do you follow this way of thinking? Do you believe this to be true? As a woman, Corrie ten Boom could have been easily frowned upon, but she didn't let what was happening in the world stop her. 

In 1944, they were trapped and taken to prison for their efforts in hiding fugitives. The number estimated of Jewish people they saved is 800, and with so many lives touched and saved, to them it was worth it all. Would you take the risk as a woman because God commanded you to do something? To be a Godly woman it could come down to doing what others won't, and serving God relentlessly in a way that makes others NOT be so fond of you or what you are doing. 

Wouldn't you love to be counted as faithful? Why not start today in feeding your faith and starving your doubts? If you believe, and you need a bit of encouragement, check out the story of "Corrie ten Boom", and keep living a courageous life

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Forgiveness is Beautiful

Forgiveness is beautiful, and it's always right. That statement may make you cringe, and it may make you feel angry if you have recently been told that "you ought to forgive".

Is it really true? Should you? "Will you?" is the even bigger question.

At the end of the day what is forgiveness anyhow? Isn't this something that God does because only he alone is really capable of forgiving others? Sad to say that we really aren't capable, unless we have the love of God in our hearts, right?

Unconditional love and forgiveness have been put together in conversation, but do they really work well together? Is it possible to look at the love your life and say, no matter what they do that you will love them still? Forgive them for anything that they have done?

Let me tell you a story.

She Believes that Forgiveness is Beautiful 

Imagine that you are out with your husband, celebrating the life of a loved one passed. You are in your mid 30's, so you reflect on how young you are, and WHY your friend died so young. You simply go out to enjoy a few drinks and dinner in his honor, and then you return home with your children for the night. 

Everything is normal until you get ready for bed, and as you get out of the shower, you walk into your bedroom in your bathrobe, and your husband launches into a bizarre accusation of "Who sent you? Where are you from?" 

You are completely baffled, and after spending time together before marriage, you don't ever recall this happening. Then, in a blink of an eye....his fist pummels your face, and you are at a loss. As you hit the floor, tears fill your eyes because you are stunned and the pain hits you like a ton of bricks. 

He doesn't stop there. He continues speaking to you as if you are a spy, and what you are looking for. Confusion gets deeper, more frightening. Then, something that surprises you even more, he nearly bites your nose off. 


Is it true that forgiveness is beautiful

Forgiveness is Beautiful When the Recipient is Undeserving

It has been said that it's easy to love those that love you, but wouldn't it be easy to curse those that curse you too? Yes, it would be. Often, I find that those I forgive are undeserving in my eyes, but when it comes to full out forgiveness does it matter? 

The whole point of forgiveness isn't really to release someone of what they have done to you, but to make peace with you for your own healing. Those that do wrong should absolutely pay for what they have done. People need to know that for wrong doing they must pay a price, but forgiveness is always right. 

It doesn't mean that you condone or support what they did, and it doesn't mean that you encourage them to do it again, or that you have to talk to them. However, when you take a vow for life, for marriage, what do you do? 

In this case, it is so hard to say without knowing what the complete picture is. I am NOT this woman, nor am I in her shoes. However, I had the pleasure of watching a beautiful image of devoted love unfold between husband and wife, in which she said, this:

"Look, I forgive him. I don't know the WHY, and it's not all that important. I love him, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, sickness and in health, and that is why I am still here. I forgive him. I told him that I forgive him, and that there is an underlying issue here." 

So it is that indeed, there was in this case, in which the husband is a veteran. Can you imagine? Being in a land where violence is so acceptable, and so the norm that it's ingrained into your brain around the clock? What if you had watched countless people beheaded, and people murdered just laying all over the ground? 

The truth is, at the time it occured forgiveness was probably the last thing on her mind, but we often don't know what has happened to other people to encourage such behavior. People are abused, neglected, and hence the reason so many boys and girls grow up needing so much repair. 

Forgiveness is beautiful, and so is love. Would you stick it out? Would you work through the worst to be with your beloved until the day you die? 

It isn't always easy to take the high road, or do what God would have you to do. It takes courage. 

Forgiviness is beautiful, and it's a courageous life